Charlotte Mason curriculum

Charlotte Mason Curriculum

You don’t have to have a made for you Charlotte Mason curriculum, but it’s especially nice for beginning homeschoolers. Here are my favorite CM curriculums, some free, some paid. Many of these curriculums combine certain subjects, like Bible, history, and literature for all your children so you’re not juggling a different schedule for every child. You can get everything you need for a Charlotte Mason school day here. Or you can pick and choose what you want and create your own blended curriculum.

“We hold that all education is divine, that every good gift of knowledge and insight comes from above.” – Charlotte Mason

  • Wildwood – free and secular CM curriculum. Add in your own bible and religious studies.
  • Ambleside Online – Free and Christian
  • A Gentle Feast – Paid and laid out in a largely open-and-go format
  • A Modern Charlotte Mason – Paid and Christian. This one incorporates more modern books, although the formatting isn’t my favorite.
  • Simply Charlotte Mason – Paid and Christian.
  • Alveary – Paid membership for the curriculum, teacher training, and resources.

Charlotte Mason Early Years

Miss Mason didn’t do the conventional preschool that we see today, but instead encouraged more organic learning. This “quiet growing time” focused on developing foundational habits, immersive learning, and lots of time in nature. If you need a little more guidance and structure for your day, or your stay requires compulsory education before age 6, then here are some options.

Ala Carte Charlotte Mason Inspired Curriculum

These aren’t full curriculums, but they offer specific subjects and guides. They’re nice to use as needed for one or more subjects as a stand alone or in addition to a regular curriculum.


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